Server Hardening
Hardening the IT infrastructure is an obligatory task for achieving a resilient to attacks infrastructure and complying with regulatory requirements. Hackers’ attack information systems and websites on an ongoing basis using various cyber-attack techniques that are called attack vectors. To reduce these increasing amounts of dynamically emerging cyber-attacks, information systems and servers especially need to get hardened. Hardening is a unique security task as the requirement is coming from the security team but it is often executed by operations teams.
What we do
- Manage Server Access.
- Minimize the External Footprint.
- Patch Vulnerabilities.
- Minimize Attack Surface.
- Restrict Admin Access.
- Know What's Happening.
- Minimize User Access Permissions.
- Establish Communications.
- Further Hardening / Protecting Credentials
- Backup Plans
- Prevent Time Drift
- Harden Remote Sessions
- Use Recommended Security Configurations